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  国市监注〔2019〕 79号








    (一)全面推行企业开办全程网上办。1. 各地要开通“一网通办”平台(或服务专区等),整合设立登记、印章制作、申领发票、社保登记等各类企业开办事项和网上服务资源,加强信息共享,切实具备“登录一个平台、填报一次信息、后台实时流转、即时回馈信息”的企业开办服务能力。有条件的地方,要大力推行办件寄递、证票自助打印等服务,逐步实现“不见面”办理。2. 依托各级政务服务大厅等,建立企业开办专窗(或专区),应用“一网通办”平台,实现申请人可在一个窗口提交和接收所有办件。3.将电子营业执照作为企业在网上办理企业登记、印章制作、社保登记等相关业务的合法有效身份证明和电子签名手段,推动企业领用电子营业执照。

    (二)进一步优化企业登记服务。1. 大力推行标准化、智能化、自动化的全程电子化登记,建立健全“零见面”企业登记工作机制。2. 取消名称预先核准,全面推行名称自主申报与设立登记合并办理,进一步优化办理流程。3. 各省(区、市)要统一规范本辖区内公司章程、股东会决议等标准格式参考范本,供申请人自主选择、免费使用。全程通过网上办理有限责任公司设立登记、公司主要成员全部通过有效身份验证并对提交材料进行电子签名的,申请人可选择不再另行上传身份(主体资格)证明文件。4. 结合本地实际,大力推行“同城通办”“银行网点代理申请登记注册”等便利化举措。

    (三)进一步规范印章刻制服务。1. 对于尚未建成印章业信息系统的地方,要强化责任落实,尽快完成建设应用工作,通过政府购买服务的方式对系统运维、升级改造予以经费保障。要拓展系统服务功能,通过微信小程序、手机APP、微信公众号等形式实现网上刻章业务办理,确保实现用章单位在线选择本地区所有公章刻制企业、了解刻制价格以及网络支付等功能。2. 严格落实国务院明令取消公章刻制审批的政策规定,不得以任何形式要求用章单位自行办理公章刻制备案。对于落实不到位、变相进行审批的予以严肃查处。3. 各地公安部门科学规划本地公章刻制企业数量,既要合理布局促进良性竞争,又要防止盲目发展导致恶性竞争。要积极引导公章刻制价格趋于合理,严禁指定公章刻制企业刻制公章,避免形成隐形垄断。4. 积极推广电子印章广泛应用,在北京市、上海市开展先行先试。

    (四)进一步简化涉税事项办理。1. 严格落实《关于进一步推进“多证合一”工商共享信息运用工作的通知》(税总函〔2017〕402号),强化企业登记信息共享应用。2. 大力推行电子发票应用。在重点行业和有使用需求的纳税人中加大电子发票推行力度。3. 深入推进“新办纳税人套餐服务”,进一步简并流程、提速审批,实现线上申请、线上核验,现场一次办结。企业只进行初次申领发票操作的,无需提供银行开户信息。

    (五)进一步完善社保登记服务。1. 全面推行社保登记经办服务网上办理,简化整合办事环节、办事材料。2. 将社保登记经办服务纳入“一网通办”平台,实现企业在办理设立登记时,即可同时填报企业参保信息、职工参保信息等信息,无须另行登录其他系统或平台。3. 健全数据应用和反馈机制,提升共享信息使用率,在企业在线填报并确认企业参保信息、职工参保信息等信息后,通过跨部门信息共享和部门内部数据流转同步办理企业社保登记,并将办理结果及时通过“一网通办”平台反馈企业。







    市场监管总局 发展改革委 公安部

    人力资源社会保障部 税务总局

    2019年 4 月 10 日



  Opinions of Five Authorities, including State Administration for Market Regulation,

  on Constantly Deepening the Reduction of the Length of Time Required to Start a Business

  (Guo Shi Jian Zhu [2019] No. 79)


  Market regulatory authorities, development and reform authorities, public security authorities, human resources and social security authorities, and tax authorities of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities under separate state planning and sub-provincial cities, and related authorities of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:

    To profoundly put into practice the deployments of 2019 Government Work Report and the Opinions of General Office of the State Council on Further Reducing the Length of Time Required to Start a Business (Guo Ban Fa [2018] No. 32, hereinafter referred to as “the Opinions”), strive to create a higher-quality business environment, and improve the real experience of companies and the people in the facilitation of starting a business, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the State Administration of Taxation jointly proposed the following opinions on continuously deepening the work of reducing the length of time required to start a business:

    I. Work Objectives

    (I) General Requirements. We will strive to realize the goal of reducing the length of time required to start a business to within 5 working days before the year of 2019, thus completing the goal set by the current government in advance. For places with conditions permitted, we will encourage them to reduce the length of time required to start a business to within 3 working days under the premise of ensuring work quality.

    (II) Specific Objectives. Competent local government departments shall clean up non-statutory matters, procedures and submission materials, related to business starting, in the system. They shall jointly shorten the 4 processes (business registration, seal engraving, invoice application and collection, and social security registration) provided in the Opinions to 3 processes, namely, business registration, seal engraving, and invoice application and collection. To put it another way, the application of social security registration shall be merged into the process of business registration. We need to take effective measures to control the processing time of each process separately as follows: Business registration shall be completed within 2 working days. Seal engraving within 1 working day. Invoice application and collection for the first time within 2 working days.

    II. Main Measures

    (I) Comprehensively promoting the online handling of starting a business in the entire course. 1. All localities need to open the platform of “handling all matters through one network” (or special service zone, etc.), integrate various business handling matters (including establishment and registration, seal engraving, invoice application and collection, and social security registration) and online service resources, strengthen information sharing, and effectively possess the ability to provide services for starting a business, featuring “logging in to a platform, filling in information one-off, circulating in real time at the back-end platform, and giving feedback information immediately”. Conditions permitted, localities need to vigorously promote services such as sending documents via express delivery, and self-printing of certificates and invoices, and gradually realize the remote handling (no need to handle face to face). 2. Relying on government service halls at various levels, etc., we shall establish special windows (or special zones) for starting a business, utilize the platform of “handling all matters through one network”, and make applicants able to submit and receive all documents in a window. 3. Electronic business licenses will be used as a legal and effective identity certificate and electronic signature means for companies to handle businesses (including business registration, seal making, social security registration) on the Internet, so as to promote companies to obtain and use electronic business licenses.

    (II) Further optimizing business registration services. 1. We shall vigorously promote the whole-process electronic registration in a standardized, intelligent and automated manner, and establish and improve the “zero-meeting” business registration mechanism. 2. We shall cancel the pre-approval procedure for enterprise name selection, comprehensively promote the merged handling of autonomous application of enterprise name and establishment and registration, and further optimize handling processes. 3. All provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) shall uniformly standardize samples providing reference for standard formats in terms of Articles of Association and resolutions of shareholders’ meetings, etc., within their respective jurisdictions, for applicants to choose independently and use free of charge. If establishment and registration of a limited liability company is handled on the Internet in the whole process and main members of a company pass the effective identity certificates and complete electronic signatures for submitted materials,